How to check if a product is purchased within the last 365 days before displaying something

This is not that complicated, here is a code snippet that will get you started:

if(is_user_logged_in()) {

    //We only need these products to check
    $products_to_check = array(81,82,83,84);
    $customer_bought = array();

    //Get all orders made by the current user in the last 365 days
    $customer_orders = get_posts( apply_filters( 'woocommerce_my_account_my_orders_query', array(
        'numberposts' => $order_count,
        'meta_key'    => '_customer_user',
        'meta_value'  => get_current_user_id(),
        'post_type'   => wc_get_order_types( 'view-orders' ),
        'post_status' => array('wc-completed', 'wc-processing'),
        'date_query' => array(
                'column' => 'post_date_gmt',
                'after' => '1 year ago',

    //Loop trough the orders
    foreach ( $customer_orders as $customer_order ) {
        $order = wc_get_order();
        $order->populate( $customer_order );
        $items = $order->get_items();

        //Loop trough the order items and see if it is a product we need to cehck
        foreach($items as $item) {          
            if(in_array($item['product_id'], $products_to_check)) {
                $customer_bought[] = $item['product_id'];


} else {
    echo 'You need to sign in first!';

So in short: we make sure that the user is signed in, we get all of the orders made by the currently logged in customer in the last year, we loop trough the orders and see if they bought the specific item(s) we’re looking for. After, this, you can use the $customer_bought array to check if they bought a product or not, something like this:

if(in_array(81, $customer_bought)) {
    echo 'You bought the item #81 in the last 365 days, so you will get these links...';

if(in_array(82, $customer_bought)) {
    echo 'You bought the item #82 in the last 365 days, so you will get these links...';
