Javascript not working?

The “Failed to load resource” is probably a red herring and isn’t related to your issue. The fact that it is throwing an error about the $ shortcut means your js file is being loaded correctly.

The likely issue is that jQuery in WordPress loads in “noConflict” mode. As such the $ shortcut will not work by default. Try replacing your script with this:

<script type="text/javascript">
    jQuery(".menu-button").click(function () {

Or, alternatively if you really like the $ shortcut:

<script type="text/javascript">
    (function($) {
        $(".menu-button").click(function () {

There is also an issue with the logic in your javascript. The line


Will not work as expected. jQuery.parents() returns a set of results while jQuery.toggleClass() expects a single element. If you know that the element directly above show-menu will always be wrapper and that is the only element you wish to effect, then you can simply swap that line out for this


Alternatively, if wrapper can be an arbitrary height above show-menu, you will need something like this

<script type="text/javascript">
    jQuery(".menu-button").click(function () {

Incidentally, the reason you are getting that “Not Found” error is because transitions.js does not exist at this url: