Limit article to 100 characters. Can’t use the_excerpt…

function get_custom_excerpt( $content, $link ){

   $content = some_function_to_handle_html_tag(substr($content, 0, 100)); // EDIT: need to be customized with a regex for proper output
   $content .= ' <a href="'.$link.'"> more... </a>';

   return $content;

function some_function_to_handle_html_tag(){
    //a regex to check last occurance of html opening tag
    //append respective closing tag or strip the tag if broken e.g. '<' or '<something'
//for global $post
echo get_custom_excerpt($post->post_content, get_permalink($post->ID)); //print the custom excerpt of 100 characters


//when in loop
echo get_custom_excerpt(get_the_content(), get_permalink(get_the_ID())); //print the custom excerpt of 100 characters


This could be unstable if some html tag was opened in first 100 character but not closed. I tried to figure out a proper solution (show content without stripping html) but found nothing helpful. But, I have an idea that may help –

1) You may use a regex which will check last occurance of a string which starts with < and ends with >, then you will have to add a respective closing tag in the end. So, say e.g. if there is tag <span>, the </span> will need to be added in the end to prevent html layout from breaking.

2) If any occurance like < or <something occurs, then that should be removed.

Then the above code should work for most of the cases.