Link Youtube Channel In WordPress Site

Old anwser

What you are trying to is to import all your videos from your
YouTube channel to your WordPress blog.

Unfortunately YouTube is not providing any public web service that
will allow external servers to get the kind of data you want to
import. I don’t think you will find any plugin capable to do that, at
least in the right way.

P.S: The only way a plugin may do that is to analyze the YouTube channel source page and get all the video links in that page. This
would be a kind of hack and will not work permanently.

What I suggest to you is to do it manually, and every time you add a
video on your YouTube channel, you also add it to your WordPress


Thx to paulj, i’ve just remenbered that Youtube is providing an RSS feed that you can use to fetch all the videos from your channel, here is how you access it :

If your channel is :

You can access your RSS using :