The form reloads itself each time you save returning to the initial state where all are shown. What you can do is this:
// Getting the value of the selected field
var my_select_value = $('#widgets-right').val();
// If there's no value selected, hide everything.
if(my_select_value == 0){
$('.widget-test .row').hide();
// Otherwise, show the specific rows
if(my_select_value == 1){
$('.widget-test .row').hide();
if(my_select_value == 2){
$('.widget-test .row').hide();
$('.widget-test .row.two').show();
if(my_select_value == 3){
$('.widget-test .row').hide();
$('.widget-test .row.three').show();
At the initial stage of the JavaScript.
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