Modify hard-coded conditionals for roles to custom roles

First, your check code works, and takes this pattern:

if ( $current_user->data->wp_capabilities['hardcoded role name'] ) {
    $role="hardcoded role name";

So lets swap the hardcoded role string out for a variable called $role_name ( you could call it something else if you want ). The check for a role name is now:

if ( $current_user->data->wp_capabilities[$role_name] ) {
    $role = $role_name;

But we need to check more than one role, so, lets make a list of the roles to check

$roles_to_check = array(

Then check each role in our list

foreach ( $roles_to_check as $role_name ) {
    .. do the check ..

So far everything we’ve done has been standard programming, with very little PHP specific knowledge. I recommend you take a good look at for loops and arrays as your question indicates a lack of knowledge or confidence in these areas.

But we’re not finished. You want to be able to handle any arbitrary role!

So lets start with get_editable_roles(). This will give us an array of roles, but we can’t swap out the array from above without a slight modification.

$roles = get_editable_roles();
foreach ( $roles as $role_name => $role_info ) {
    .. do our check ..

In your case however you want the roles of a specific user, so going back to your original check, you use this array:


so if we do this for our loop:

foreach ( $current_user->data->wp_capabilities as $role_name => $capability ) {

You should be able to do what you desire