Mongoose: findOneAndUpdate doesn’t return updated document

Why this happens?

The default is to return the original, unaltered document. If you want the new, updated document to be returned you have to pass an additional argument: an object with the new property set to true.

From the mongoose docs:


Model.findOneAndUpdate(conditions, update, options, (error, doc) => {
  // error: any errors that occurred
  // doc: the document before updates are applied if `new: false`, or after updates if `new = true`

Available options

  • new: bool – if true, return the modified document rather than the original. defaults to false (changed in 4.0)


Pass {new: true} if you want the updated result in the doc variable:

//                                                         V--- THIS WAS ADDED
Cat.findOneAndUpdate({age: 17}, {$set:{name:"Naomi"}}, {new: true}, (err, doc) => {
    if (err) {
        console.log("Something wrong when updating data!");


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