Multiple item layout with one query

As @MridulAggarwal already stated, it’s a pretty basic PHP task that you’re confronted with:

$wpse69584_posts = get_posts( array( /* Your Arguments */ ) );

echo $post[0]['post_title'];
echo isset( $post[0]->post_excerpt ) 
    ? apply_filters( 'the_excerpt', $post[0]->post_excerpt )
    : apply_filters( 'the_content', $post[0]->post_content )
// etc.

Or if you’re using a loop, it’s even easier:

global $wpdb;
if ( have_posts() )
    while( have_posts() )

        if ( 1 <= $wpdb->current_post )
        // Add 'MEDIUM' to 2nd post and 'SMALL' to each other
             $thumb_size = ( 2 == $wpdb->current_post ? 'MEDIUM' : 'SMALL' );

        echo '<article '.get_post_class( "post-number-{$wpdb->current_post}" ).'>';
            echo "<h{$wpdb->current_post}>";
            echo "</h{$wpdb->current_post}>";


            the_post_thumbnail( get_the_ID(), $thumb_size );
        echo '</article>';

Note, that this won’t work with a larger number as 6, as $wpdb->current_post will still increment, but there’s simply no <h7> and following 😉