Navigate through the posts using keyboard arrows

You’re using get_next_post and get_previous_post correctly with get_permalink. The next and prev functions either return a WP_Post object or a falsy value. The permalink function accepts either a post object or a valid post ID and returns the post url as string, if it was found, otherwise it returns boolean false.

I tested the code you’ve posted by copy-pasting it to a theme’s header file as the last thing before </head> and it worked as expected. Of course there’s the silly reload behaviour you get, when there’s no next or previous post causing the location to be empty. Maybe there’s something else going on in your code that breaks the code?

Have you tried adding the code with an action hook? For example this works (on my local WP install).

function arrow_key_post_navigation() {

  $prev_post_url = get_permalink( get_previous_post() );
  $prev_post_url = $prev_post_url ? esc_url( $prev_post_url ) : '';

  $next_post_url = get_permalink( get_next_post() );
  $next_post_url = $next_post_url ? esc_url( $next_post_url ) : '';

  if ( ! $prev_post_url && ! $next_post_url ) {
  <script type="text/javascript">
    document.onkeydown = function (e) {
      var e = e || event,
      keycode = e.which || e.keyCode,
      prevUrl = "<?php echo $prev_post_url ?>",
      nextUrl = "<?php echo $next_post_url ?>";
      if ( (keycode == 37 || keycode == 33) && prevUrl ) {
        location = prevUrl;
      if ( (keycode == 39 || keycode == 34) && nextUrl ) {
        location = nextUrl;
  echo ob_get_clean();
add_action( 'wp_footer', 'arrow_key_post_navigation' );