Other pages fine but wp-admin showing ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS Error


okay guys I have solved this issue here is my fix

1- first of all you will need access to FTP or C-panel
2- go to public_html > now for this to work plz reset your wp-config.php you can do it by removing unnecessary code, here is a sample wp-config.php (if you don’t have) :

 * The base configuration for WordPress
 * The wp-config.php creation script uses this file during the installation.
 * You don't have to use the web site, you can copy this file to "wp-config.php"
 * and fill in the values.
 * This file contains the following configurations:
 * * Database settings
 * * Secret keys
 * * Database table prefix
 * @link https://wordpress.org/support/article/editing-wp-config-php/
 * @package WordPress

// ** Database settings - You can get this info from your web host ** //
/** The name of the database for WordPress */
define( 'DB_NAME', 'database_name_here' );

/** Database username */
define( 'DB_USER', 'username_here' );

/** Database password */
define( 'DB_PASSWORD', 'password_here' );

/** Database hostname */
define( 'DB_HOST', 'localhost' );

/** Database charset to use in creating database tables. */
define( 'DB_CHARSET', 'utf8' );

/** The database collate type. Don't change this if in doubt. */
define( 'DB_COLLATE', '' );

 * Authentication unique keys and salts.
 * Change these to different unique phrases! You can generate these using
 * the {@link https://api.wordpress.org/secret-key/1.1/salt/ WordPress.org secret-key service}.
 * You can change these at any point in time to invalidate all existing cookies.
 * This will force all users to have to log in again.
 * @since 2.6.0
define( 'AUTH_KEY',         'put your unique phrase here' );
define( 'SECURE_AUTH_KEY',  'put your unique phrase here' );
define( 'LOGGED_IN_KEY',    'put your unique phrase here' );
define( 'NONCE_KEY',        'put your unique phrase here' );
define( 'AUTH_SALT',        'put your unique phrase here' );
define( 'SECURE_AUTH_SALT', 'put your unique phrase here' );
define( 'LOGGED_IN_SALT',   'put your unique phrase here' );
define( 'NONCE_SALT',       'put your unique phrase here' );


 * WordPress database table prefix.
 * You can have multiple installations in one database if you give each
 * a unique prefix. Only numbers, letters, and underscores please!
$table_prefix = 'wp_';

 * For developers: WordPress debugging mode.
 * Change this to true to enable the display of notices during development.
 * It is strongly recommended that plugin and theme developers use WP_DEBUG
 * in their development environments.
 * For information on other constants that can be used for debugging,
 * visit the documentation.
 * @link https://wordpress.org/support/article/debugging-in-wordpress/
define( 'WP_DEBUG', false );

/* Add any custom values between this line and the "stop editing" line. */

/* That's all, stop editing! Happy publishing. */

/** Absolute path to the WordPress directory. */
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
    define( 'ABSPATH', __DIR__ . "https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/" );

/** Sets up WordPress vars and included files. */
require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-settings.php';

Now remember to change define value by your wp-config.php values ,
Inshort Remove previous answer solutions that requires changes in wp-config.php

now visit your your site admin area and when it starts loading quickly delete .htaccesss file from public_html or from root directory it will load you to the login page

I repeat: when wp-admin starts to load quickly delete .htaccess file

  • Now this is a temporary fix follow these steps for complete fix

if renaming plugins, themes didn’t helped, download or backup your wp-config.php from the root directory , In the root directory delete all the files and folders except wp-content folder

  • Download a fresh copy of wordpress from wordpress.org and paste all the fresh files in your root directory remember don’t paste the wp-content folder

install wordpress enter the database credentials from the wp-config file I said to download earlier

NOTE: I reset the wordpress database via php admin if you have phpmyadmin access do it from there otherwise try to dowload reset wordpress plugin from the temporary fix If you don’t have access to phpmyadmin and dashboard


regards: Rawaha
