AZ Directory category

I wrote a tutorial on Creating an Alphabetical Glossary of Posts but here are the most relevant parts. First create a hidden taxonomy for the letters of the alphabet // Add new taxonomy, NOT hierarchical (like tags) function kia_create_glossary_taxonomy(){ if(!taxonomy_exists(‘glossary’)){ register_taxonomy(‘glossary’,array(‘post’),array( ‘show_ui’ => false )); } } add_action(‘init’,’kia_create_glossary_taxonomy’); Then when any post is saved, save … Read more

Pagenav Not appearing on custom Template

Your navigation function seems to take data from main query (global $wp_query) variable. However what you have on custom page is a completely separate query (new WP_Query()), which doesn’t modify main one (as it shouldn’t). The best way would probably be to modify your pagination function to optionally accept custom query object as argument to … Read more

How can I add a Description column to the media library browser screen?

I think I’m getting hung up on this line: echo substr(strrchr($meta[‘attachment_content’], “” ), 1); Yep! Try this version of the description_value function: function description_value($column_name, $id) { echo get_the_content($id); } Media items are posts of the type attachment. The description is stored in the post_content property of the post object. You can see all of the … Read more

Group posts by weekly or monthly

Sorry, but what’s the use scope of JSON API plugin here? The only thing you need is ad the week (or wahtever information you need) in the markup of the page. Assuming your loop is somethin like this: <ul id=”postlist”> <?php while( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?> <li id=”post_<?php the_ID(); ?>” class=”post”> <h2><?php the_title(); ?></h2> … Read more