Passing the name of selected color from the custom component to `render_callback`

If you just want to get the selected color name, then you can use the getColorObjectByColorValue() function in the @wordpress/block-editor package, which is wp.blockEditor.getColorObjectByColorValue in the browser. The function accepts two parameters: a color list (each is an object with color and name as the properties), and the color (a HEX code, e.g. #17a2b8) that you’d like to find in that color list. So for example:

  1. Import or load the function:

    //import { InspectorControls, getColorObjectByColorValue } from '@wordpress/block-editor';
    const { InspectorControls, getColorObjectByColorValue } = wp.blockEditor;
  2. Define the color object list:

    const colorList = [
        { name: 'bg-danger', color: '#dc3545' },
        { name: 'bg-dark', color: '#343a40' },
        { name: 'bg-info', color: '#17a2b8' },
        { name: 'bg-light', color: '#f8f9fa' },
        { name: 'bg-secondary', color: '#6c757d' },
        { name: 'bg-warning', color: '#ffc107' },
    // ...
    registerBlockType( 'my/block', ... );
  3. Then in the block edit() function, you can use getColorObjectByColorValue( colorList, backgroundColor ) to get the color data/object which contains the selected color.

But actually, you don’t necessarily need to use the getColorObjectByColorValue() function; you could instead just use the find() prototype/function in JavaScript Array… Example:

const color = colorList.find( ( obj ) => ( backgroundColor === obj.color ) );

So what I’m saying is, define the color list and use it when retrieving the selected color.

Bonus: Converting the backgroundColor to an object attribute with color and name as the properties

You don’t have to convert it to an object — and you could just add another attribute like backgrounColorName, but I thought this would be useful to you as well as myself. 🙂 And I also included a sample render_callback function which simply displays the color code and name.

  1. Define the block attributes:

    attributes: {
        backgroundColor: {
            type: 'object',
            properties: {
                color: {
                    type: 'string',
                    default: '#ffffff',
                    format: 'hex-color',
                name: {
                    type: 'string',
                    default: '',
            default: {
                color: '#ffffff',
                name: '',
  2. Display the color palette with the selected color code (backgroundColor.color):

        colors={ colorList }
        value={ backgroundColor.color }
        onChange={ ( value ) => setAttributes({ backgroundColor: {
            color: value,
            name: getColorObjectByColorValue( colorList, value ).name,
        } })}
  3. Register the block type in PHP:

    register_block_type( 'my/block', [
        // The schema should match the one used in your JavaScript.
        'attributes'      => [
            'backgroundColor' => [
                'type'       => 'object',
                'properties' => [
                    'color' => [
                        'type'    => 'string',
                        'default' => '#ffffff',
                        'format'  => 'hex-color',
                    'name'  => [
                        'type'    => 'string',
                        'default' => '',
                'default'    => [
                    'color' => '#ffffff',
                    'name'  => '',
        'render_callback' => 'my_block_render_callback',
    ] );
  4. Finally, the render_callback:

    function my_block_render_callback( $attrs, $content ) {
        $background = $attrs['backgroundColor'];
        echo 'color: ' . $background['color'];
        echo '; name: ' . $background['name'];

I hope that helps, and for further details about the attributes, please check: