Preserve shortcode content formatting

This is not a direct answer to your question but if you have the option, I would restructure the shortcode so that it takes one or more attributes that you then plug in to the correct JSON format. e.g.:

[myshortcode zoom="5"]

This would not only prevent your site editors from making syntax mistakes (or at least they’d make different ones!) but would probably be a little more structured and secure. For instance, your zoom shortcode attribute could make sure that only numeric values are allowed and could set a sensible default for those that don’t set the att with their shortcode:

// [myshortcode zoom={integer}]
function myshortcode_func( $atts ) {
    $atts = shortcode_atts( array(
        // defaults
        'zoom' => 5,
        // etc...
    ), $atts );

    // sanitize!
    $atts['zoom'] = intval( $atts['zoom'] );

    // do lots of fancy JSON things
add_shortcode( 'myshortcode', 'myshortcode_func' );

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