Printing HTML codes

If I understand your question well, your result shows your <hr> in text form.

When you’re using esc_html__( string $text, string $domain = 'default' ), the returned output is escaped, it means :

  • " is replaced with &quot;
  • & is replaced with &amp;
  • < is replaced with &lt;
  • > is replaced with &gt;

So your <hr> are returning as text, not as html markups.

To fix that, you can simply move your <hr> outside of your esc_html__() :

<?php printf(
    '<hr>'.esc_html__( 'Thoughts about '. get_the_title(), 'rainbowcats' ).'<hr>';
); ?>

Furthermore, I don’t understand what you are trying to achieve with '<span>' . get_post_meta($post->ID, 'usp_title',true) . '</span>' as an argument of printf(format,arg), you should have called your arg with %s in your first parameter. But keep in mind to keep it outside esc_html__() !
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