Path for php file for inserting data through html form

You need to integrate your form and php form processor with WordPress.
One method to do this in your theme as follows.

Create a page template in your theme folder, as described here. And put your form markup in it.

Don’t specify an action on your form, and add a hidden field to your form with arbitrary name and value. We will check against, and then look for that input to handle your form input,
For example:

       /* Template Name: My Form 


<form method="POST">
    <input type="hidden" name="my_hidden_field" value="xyz">

Now create a page in WP Admin and assign above created template. Load this page in browser to display your form.

Next put this code in functions.php of your theme

add_action( 'init', function() {
    if ( empty( $_POST['my_hidden_field'] ) ) {

    // handle form submission
    include "xxx_insert.php"; // Replace xxx_insert.php with exact path to php file

Other methods to achieve the result is writing a plugin or shortcode.

I hope this may helps!