Pull A Single Post Prior To Running wp_query

What I can think of a way to do this is this, you get_post the post you would like to show on the first, it will return the WP Post Object, then query the custom post type using get_posts, excluding the ID of that post and finally push it to the array that will be given to you by get_posts.

//say this is the first post you want to show
$first_post = get_post( 23 );

//query all posts excluding the first post you want to display
$all_post_except_first = get_posts( array(
        'post_type' => 'your_custom_post_type_here',
        'numberposts' => -1,
        'post__exclude' => 23,
) );

//then put it on the first of the array
array_push( $all_post_except_first, $first_post );