Query All Posts: Either Display Most Recent or One with Particular ACF Value Chosen

Run through the loop once and break when the sticky post is found. If it’s not found, rewind the query and output the first found result:

<?php if ( $featured_value_cat_query->have_posts() ) {
   $count = 0;

   while ( $featured_value_cat_query->have_posts() ): 

      if ( 'yes' == get_field('seacoast_value_sticky_value') )
         $count = 1; ?>

         // Post Content would be here

         <?php break;

   endwhile;  //end of 'Featured' loop

   if ($count == 0) {

      while ( $featured_value_cat_query->have_posts() ): 
         $featured_value_cat_query->the_post(); ?>

         // Post Content would be here

         <?php break;

      endwhile;  //end of 'Featured' loop
} //end of if post

//* Restore original Post Data