Query Products & Store IDs in array

Couple of things – avoid query_posts, use a new query object or the get_posts function (read all about it). And the_ID() echo’s the ID, use get_the_ID() instead.

However, you can save some memory and processing by simply iterating over an array of posts (i.e. not using a proper “loop” and setting up the global post), and just grab the ID directly:

$product_posts = get_posts(
        'posts_per_page' => -1,
        'post_type' => 'product',

$ex_id  = 
$inc_id = array();

foreach ( $product_posts as $product_post ) {
    if ( in_array( 'yes', get_field( 'exclude', $product_post->ID ) ) )
        $ex_id[] = $product_post->ID;
    elseif ( in_array( 'yes', get_field( 'include', $product_post->ID ) ) )
        $inc_id[] = $product_post->ID;

Note how I’m passing $product_post-ID as a second argument to get_field. This is because by default ACF will use the current “global” post, so we need to tell it which post we actually want to grab data from.