Remove “Category Archives: title” at the top of a category page [duplicate]

The text is coming from Twenty Eleven theme’s category.php file.

There are two ways to remove it:

A) Removing it using a Text/CODE Editor on the File System/FTP:

This is the recommended method

  1. Go to Your WordPress Installation Folder.

  2. Then wp-content/themes/twentyeleven folder.

  3. Then open the category.php file in a Text or CODE Editor.

  4. On line 20, you’ll see this CODE:

    printf( __( 'Category Archives: %s', 'twentyeleven' ), '<span>' . single_cat_title( '', false ) . '</span>' );

    Comment out this line (better to comment out than delete, as you may need it in the future) with // in front of that line. So the line becomes like this:

    // printf( __( 'Category Archives: %s', 'twentyeleven' ), '<span>' . single_cat_title( '', false ) . '</span>' );
  5. Save the file.

This basically makes the line inactive, so the title is not generated anymore.

B) You can also edit from WordPress Admin Panel:

Note #1: This also works, but not recommended, as any error will lock you out of the Admin panel until you fix the error from the File System.

Note #2: Your File System may or may not allow this. Read More.

  1. Log in to WordPress Admin Panel.

  2. Go to AppearanceEditor from the left menu of the WordPress Admin Panel.

  3. From the Theme Files list, Click Category Template (category.php)

  4. Same as step (4) above.

  5. Save the file by clicking the Update File button.

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