function wpse_80027_manage_columns($columns) {
// remove taxonomy column
unset($columns['taxonomy-YOUR_TAXONOMY_NAME']); // prepend taxonomy name with 'taxonomy-'
// add your custom column
$columns['CUSTOM_COLUMN_NAME'] = __('Column Name');
return $columns;
add_filter('manage_edit-sp_product_columns', 'wpse_80027_manage_columns');
function wpse_80027_add_img_column($name) {
if('CUSTOM_COLUMN_NAME' == $name) {
// echo your image in 'CUSTOM_COLUMN_NAME' column
echo '<img src=" />";
add_action('manage_sp_product_posts_custom_column', 'wpse_80027_add_img_column');
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- Separator for multiple terms
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- Echo custom taxonomy term name
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- Custom Taxonomy – Dropdown
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- Error in Custom Taxonomy UI
- Remove ‘portfolio’ from URL
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