Found this neat little article on it, try this out!
It’s a guide/tutorial, so you should be able to get more information on what’s going on here if you visit his site.
By the way, it’s against the rules to ask for a plugin here.
function custom_pre_get_posts($query) {
global $wpdb;
if(!$query->is_main_query()) {
$post_name = $query->get('pagename');
$post_type = $wpdb->get_var(
'SELECT post_type FROM ' . $wpdb->posts . ' WHERE post_name = %s LIMIT 1',
switch($post_type) {
case 'services':
$query->set('services', $post_name);
$query->set('post_type', $post_type);
$query->is_single = true;
$query->is_page = false;
return $query;