There is no reliable way to achieve what you want with the Transients API – or even, if you have been considering it, with the WP Cron system. The problem is in a nutshell: Those API systems depend on user input. If you want to know more about it, do a research, as this has been discussed a couple of times.
To have a reliable solution, you can use the real – the WP one has pretty much nothing to do with it and in my mind it shouldn’t even be called alike, but whatever – CRON system and the cronjobs you can set up with it. I’m not going into depth here, because you will find enough starting information about »How the real CRON can be used with WordPress« on the internet. As @MarkKaplun rightfully pointed out, WP CRON and real CRON can be used in conjunction to achieve your goal.
Related Posts:
- When should I be using the Transients API?
- Cache remote (HTTP) request with Transients API
- Is there any danger in deleting all transients?
- Why are transients cleared prematurely?
- Get a list of existing transients
- Storing posts social counters by using transient api
- How to save new transients if query changes?
- Integrating WP-TLC-Transients with WordPress – Where to Begin?
- Is priming a Transient Cache possible?
- What causes a transient to changes status to “Does Not Expire”?
- How to use transients and variables
- Transient storage location? database/xcache/w3Total Cache?
- How to delete transients written by fetch_feed()?
- Set Transient expiration
- WordPress transient doesn’t use the transient
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- How to clear Transients on all sites in Multi Sites environment
- Is this the proper usage of creating / using a transient?
- Should I use the Transients API to temporarily hold edited attachements?
- transient or not transient
- Can Transients be used to store sensitive data?
- wp_options flooded with transient API entires
- Why Transients may not work correctly?
- How many transients is too many transients
- Synchronize Data every minute with set_transient
- Difference between get_site_transient() and get_transient()
- delete_transient on click inside a widget form
- Set_Transient to end at midnight
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- Set transient with get posts error
- Clear Transients
- Unique Transients user id for Non-Logged In users
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- Set transient name
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- Should I use Transient API to store HTML String, or Object?
- Will it break my site if I delete all transient records in wp_options table?
- Best practices for using the transients API
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- Using transients in conjunction with memcached
- Using a wildcard with delete_transient()
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- How to purge all transient caches?
- Should the caching of WordPress menus be specific to each page?
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- is_wp_error() and handling errors
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- Show the online status of the current post’s author
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