Try something like this instead:
<If "%{THE_REQUEST} !~ m#\s/wp-admin#">
Header add Content-Security-Policy "default-src 'self';"
Header add Content-Security-Policy "script-src 'self';"
This should set the two headers only when the requested URL does not start with /wp-admin
The check is against THE_REQUEST
(as opposed to REQUEST_URI
changes when the URL is rewritten by the WordPress front-controller. THE_REQUEST
is the first line of the request headers (a string of the form GET /wp-admin/something HTTP/1.1
) and does not change when the request is rewritten.
Maybe it would be nice if a loggedin user is on the website that the lines also not be executed.
(I need to do it with htaccess.)
You can’t reliably do this with .htaccess
. In .htaccess
you can only determine whether the authentication cookie is set, not whether it is set correctly.
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