Showing taxonomy terms on custom post type

You might have already figured this out, but here’s an example how to get custom taxonomy terms for a post and create a list of links for the found terms.

// used in your custom post type template, e.g. single-movies.php
$genres = get_the_terms( get_the_ID(), 'genres' );
// current post has genre terms attached to it
if ( $genres && ! is_wp_error( $genres ) ) {
  $term_links = array();
  // build list item links
  foreach ($genres as $genre) {
    $genre_links[] = sprintf(
      '<li><a href="">%s</a></li>',
      esc_url(get_term_link($genre->term_id, $genre->taxonomy)),
  // display genres link list
    implode('', $genre_links)