I believe the shortest and best approach is to (1) modify the query:
function search_faqs_metadata($query) {
if(!is_admin() && $query->is_main_query()) {
if($query->is_search) {
$query->set('meta_query', array(array(
'key' => '_faqs',
'value' => $query->query_vars['s'],
'compare' => 'LIKE'
add_action('pre_get_posts', 'search_faqs_metadata');
and then (2) replace the AND
with OR
via the get_meta_sql
function change_meta_key_where_from_and_to_or($sql) {
if(is_search()) {
$sql['where'] = substr($sql['where'], 1, 3) == 'AND' ? substr_replace($sql['where'], 'OR', 1, 3) : $sql['where'];
return $sql;
add_filter('get_meta_sql', 'change_meta_key_where_from_and_to_or');
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