the change you require is a modification to your theme, it will take time and you might end up corrupting it if you are not comfortable working with WordPress, instead of that you can make a child theme for it and make whatever change you want inside it.
A replacement and partial solution would be to add a js in your theme, to click on the link as soon as the div is there, it will refresh the posts automatically for you.
if( jQuery('').find('.articles .icon-liked.liked ') != ''){
jQuery('').find('.articles .icon-liked.liked ').click();
jQuery('').find('.articles .sortbar-title').html('MOST LIKED');
Also I did modified your theme.php to include script in page, added
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo THEME_JS_URI; ?>/custom.js"></script>
to function
its merely a solution but its a solution as of now.