Split WordPress Latest Posts in Multiple Columns and Rows with one single loop [closed]

You can accomplish this by using a counter then updating the class according to your needs. The code below will create a variable $counter and assign it to 0 if posts exist. By default a 'col-md-4' is bound to $class, if the $counter is less than 3 $class will be updated to 'col-md-3' (making it fill 4 columns instead of 3). Then we output the html including the stored class. Finally, the $counter is incremented ready for the next post item.

if ( have_posts() ) {
    $counter = 0;


    <div class="container">
        <div class="row">
            while ( have_posts() ) {


                if( $counter < 3 ) {

                <div class="col-12 <?php echo $class; ?>">
                    <?php // content etc here ?>
                </div> <!-- .col-12 -->


            } // end while
        </div><!-- .row -->
    </div><!-- .container -->
<?php } else { // end if ?>
    <p>There are no posts to display</p>
<?php } ?>