SSH using python script

I hope this will help you achieve what you are looking for using Paramiko.

import paramiko
import time

ip = input("Please enter IP")
name = input("Please enter UserName")
password = input("Please enter Password")
ssh_client = paramiko.SSHClient()
ssh_client.connect(hostname=ip,username=name,password=password)   #This is used to establish a connection

remote_connection = ssh_client.invoke_shell() #This helps you invoke the shell of the client machine

remote_connection.send("cli\n")           #These commands are used to send command over
remote_connection.send("configure\n")     #to the remote machine that you are trying to connect with

output = remote_connection.recv(10240)  #This is to recieve any output that you get on the after SSH
                                        #connection is established

ssh_client.close                        #This closes your active SSH connection

For official documentation please read here.

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