Stop a script on a single page

In the body classes you shoud also find a class corresponding to the page id

(i.e. <body class=".. page-id-161">)
In this case you can modify your script:

(function($) {
  //create array of classes for pages where to exclude the .wppr-review-container from being moved
  var toExclude=['page-id-161','page-id-162','page-id-163'];

  // get all the <body> classes  
  var elementClasses = jQuery("body").attr("class").split(" ");

  jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    for(var i = 0; i < elementClasses.length; i++) {
      // run only if the current page has class single ( per your script) AND IS NOT among the array toExclude
      if($('body').hasClass('single') && jQuery.inArray(elementClasses[i], toExclude) ===-1) {
        var wppr = jQuery('.wppr-review-container'),
        ed_tags = jQuery('.expand-divi-below-tags');
        if ( wppr.length && ed_tags.length ) {