Why does my custom plugin only function correctly once per page?

The reason your code only applies to the first table, is because you are only selecting the first input with var number = document.querySelector('.nutrition-table__number');

You need to loop over all your tables, and add an event listener to each.

Here is an example of how this could work. The plugin pattern is from https://vanillajstoolkit.com/boilerplates/revealing-module-pattern/

 * Revealing Constructor Pattern Boilerplate
 * (c) 2019 Chris Ferdinandi, MIT License, https://gomakethings.com
var NutritionTablesPlugin = (function () {

    'use strict';

     * Create the Constructor object
    var Constructor = function (selector) {

        // Variables

        var publicAPIs = {};

        var nodes = document.querySelectorAll(selector);

        // Methods
        var allNodes = function (callback) {
            for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
                callback(nodes[i], i);

         * A private method
        var updateNutritionValues = function (table, multipler, macros) {
            var carbs = table.querySelector( '.nutrition-table__content--carbs');
            var protein = table.querySelector('.nutrition-table__content--protein');
            var fat = table.querySelector('.nutrition-table__content--fat');
            var calories = table.querySelector('.nutrition-table__content--calories');

            carbs.textContent = (macros.carbs / parseInt(multipler)).toFixed(1) + 'g';
            protein.textContent = (macros.protein / parseInt(multipler)).toFixed(1) + 'g';
            fat.textContent = (macros.fat / parseInt(multipler)).toFixed(1) + 'g';
            calories.textContent = (macros.calories / parseInt(multipler)).toFixed(0) + ' cals';

         * Another public method
        publicAPIs.init = function (options) {
            allNodes( function(node){

                var originalValues = {
                    carbs: parseInt(node.querySelector('.nutrition-table__content--carbs').textContent),
                    protein: parseInt(node.querySelector('.nutrition-table__content--protein').textContent),
                    fat: parseInt(node.querySelector('.nutrition-table__content--fat').textContent),
                    calories: parseInt(node.querySelector( '.nutrition-table__content--calories').textContent)

                node.addEventListener('change', function (e) {
                    updateNutritionValues(node, parseInt(e.target.value), originalValues);

        // Return the Public APIs
        return publicAPIs;

    // Return the Constructor
    return Constructor;


document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
    var nutrition = new NutritionTablesPlugin('.nutrition-table');


And in your PHP code, you’ll want to use esc_html for the carbs/fat/protein/calories attributes output. https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/esc_html/