Is there a blog info object?

Taken from the source code of get_bloginfo(), Here is a very very simple class you can utelize and extent at your will. I have decided to make use of methods, making properties public from a class is really not great coding and not recommended. I know WordPress thrive on public properties, but that is WordPress. … Read more

Difference between bloginfo(‘home’) and home_url() and site_url()

The difference in your case is in filters being applied to output of these functions. While bloginfo applies one of these filters: if ( ‘display’ == $filter ) { if ( $url ) $output = apply_filters(‘bloginfo_url’, $output, $show); else $output = apply_filters(‘bloginfo’, $output, $show); } Function home_url applies this filter: return apply_filters( ‘home_url’, $url, $path, … Read more

bloginfo() vs get_option?

The two functions output exactly the same thing. From the Codex entry for get_bloginfo(): ‘name’ – Returns the “Site Title” set in Settings > General. This data is retrieved from the “blogname” record in the wp_options table. From source: case ‘name’: default: $output = get_option(‘blogname’); Neither get_bloginfo() nor bloginfo() do any sort of sanitization or … Read more

How do I change the login logo URL and hover title?

Try these filters instead // changing the logo link from to your site function mb_login_url() { return home_url(); } add_filter( ‘login_headerurl’, ‘mb_login_url’ ); // changing the alt text on the logo to show your site name function mb_login_title() { return get_option( ‘blogname’ ); } add_filter( ‘login_headertitle’, ‘mb_login_title’ ); Though if you’re on a Network/MultiSite … Read more

What is difference between get_bloginfo(‘url’) and get_site_url()?

get_bloginfo(‘url’) calls home_url() calls get_home_url() reads option home get_bloginfo(‘wpurl’) calls site_url() calls get_site_url() reads option siteurl get_bloginfo(‘siteurl’) and get_bloginfo(‘home’) are deprecated arguments and return get_bloginfo(‘url’) (siteurl argument is documented wrong in Codex as equal to wpurl, it’s not in current code) The difference is that these two function chain to different options, which are typically … Read more

get_template_directory() vs bloginfo( ‘template_directory’ ) vs TEMPLATEPATH

To make a long story short: get_bloginfo( ‘template_directory’ ) and get_bloginfo( ‘template_url’ ) simply return get_template_directory_uri(). So, you can shortcut that second call simply by referring directly to the latter template tag. Refer to source for get_bloginfo(). A few others: ‘url’ => home_url() ‘wpurl’ => site_url() ‘stylesheet_url’ => get_stylesheet_uri() ‘stylesheet_directory’ => get_stylesheet_directory_uri() ‘locale’ => get_locale() … Read more