Strange Exception in Tkinter callback

mtTkinter allows multithreading with Tkinter, you can get it here: Just import mtTkinter in place of Tkinter. This will allow you to insert text into a Text widget from multiple threads without conflict. I used it for some instant messaging software I wrote and it works wonderfully.

Callback functions in C++

Note: Most of the answers cover function pointers which is one possibility to achieve “callback” logic in C++, but as of today not the most favourable one I think. What are callbacks(?) and why to use them(!) A callback is a callable (see further down) accepted by a class or function, used to customize the current logic … Read more

What is the difference between Asynchronous calls and Callbacks

Very simply, a callback needn’t be asynchronous. Synchronous:If an API call is synchronous, it means that code execution will block (or wait) for the API call to return before continuing. This means that until a response is returned by the API, your application will not execute any further, which could be perceived by the … Read more

What is a callback function?

Developers are often confused by what a callback is because of the name of the damned thing. A callback function is a function which is: accessible by another function, and is invoked after the first function if that first function completes A nice way of imagining how a callback function works is that it is … Read more