What’s the syntax for declaring an array of function pointers without using a separate typedef?

so your answer is But naturally, this is a bad practice, just use typedefs ðŸ™‚ Extra: Wonder how to declare an array of 3 pointers to functions taking int and returning a pointer to an array of 4 pointers to functions taking double and returning char? (how cool is that, huh? :)) :))

Invalid use of non-static member function c++

Unlike static member functions or free functions, non-static member functions won’t implicitly convert to member function pointers. (emphasis mine) An lvalue of function type T can be implicitly converted to a prvalue pointer to that function. This does not apply to non-static member functions because lvalues that refer to non-static member functions do not exist. So you need to use & explicitly to … Read more

Callback functions in C++

Note: Most of the answers cover function pointers which is one possibility to achieve “callback” logic in C++, but as of today not the most favourable one I think. What are callbacks(?) and why to use them(!) A callback is a callable (see further down) accepted by a class or function, used to customize the current logic … Read more

How do function pointers in C work?

Function pointers in C Let’s start with a basic function which we will be pointing to: First thing, let’s define a pointer to a function which receives 2 ints and returns an int: Now we can safely point to our function: Now that we have a pointer to the function, let’s use it: Passing the … Read more

Usage and Syntax of std::function

std::function is a type erasure object. That means it erases the details of how some operations happen, and provides a uniform run time interface to them. For std::function, the primary1 operations are copy/move, destruction, and ‘invocation’ with operator() — the ‘function like call operator’. In less abstruse English, it means that std::function can contain almost any object that acts like a function … Read more