java attempting to assign weaker access privilege error

The lines with the problem are the two below You try to override the until method which has public access in the com.thoughtworks.selenium.Wait class by a until method which is only package visible. You cannot override a method and reduce visibility. You can only increase the visibility (e.g. overriding a protected method and making it … Read more

C# conditional operator error Only assignment, call, increment, decrement, await, and new object expressions can be used as a statement

The conditional operator is an expression, not a statement, that means it cannot stand alone, as the result has to be used somehow. In your code, you don’t use the result, but try to produce side effects instead. Depending on the condition before the ? the operator returns the result of either the first or … Read more

System not declared in scope?

I know its simple code, How do I fix “System not declared in scope” problem? Heres my end message: C:\Documents and Settings\Nilo\My Documents\Work\Testing\main.cpp||In function ‘int main()’:| C:\Documents and Settings\Nilo\My Documents\Work\Testing\main.cpp|8|error: ‘system’ was not declared in this scope|| |=== Build finished: 1 errors, 0 warnings ===|