How can I correctly format currency using jquery?
I doubt it. The problem is that 100 is never 100 if it’s a float, it’s normally 99.9999999999 or 100.0000001 or something like that. If you do want to format it that way, you have to define an epsilon, that is, a maximum distance from an integer number, and use integer formatting if the difference … Read more
Intl.NumberFormat JavaScript has a number formatter (part of the Internationalization API). Use undefined in place of the first argument (‘en-US’ in the example) to use the system locale (the user locale in case the code is running in a browser). Further explanation of the locale code. Here’s a list of the currency codes. Intl.NumberFormat vs Number.prototype.toLocaleString A final note comparing … Read more
From the research that I’ve done, there doesn’t appear to be any documentation available for the API you’re using. Depending on the data you’re trying to get, I’d recommend using Yahoo’s YQL API for accessing Yahoo Finance (An example can be found here). Alternatively, you could try using this well documented way to get CSV data from … Read more