Appointment booking system in WordPress

The solution here ultimately depends on how this business functions and how these available appointment slots are structured. Not just in a ‘best case’ scenario, but also providing users with the ability to customize the output/availability of appointments. So, to start you have an ‘appointment’ custom post-type, this you’ve already built. This appointment CPT entries … Read more

Server 500 error when updating post using block editor

Based on the error logs and the behavior you’ve described, the issue with the WordPress post not updating properly and causing a 500 internal server error seems to be related to a function in your theme or a plugin that is interacting with the content, particularly images. Here’s a breakdown of what the logs suggest … Read more

How to get a list of all posts and their categories?

If you want to export the data to a CSV or JSON file directly from the SQL query, you can use the MySQL INTO OUTFILE clause. SELECT wpd9_posts.post_title, GROUP_CONCAT( AS categories FROM wpd9_posts LEFT JOIN wpd9_term_relationships ON (wpd9_posts.ID = wpd9_term_relationships.object_id) LEFT JOIN wpd9_term_taxonomy ON (wpd9_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = wpd9_term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id) LEFT JOIN wpd9_terms ON (wpd9_term_taxonomy.term_id = wpd9_terms.term_id) WHERE … Read more

How to submit a button automatically after every scheduled hours?

You were on the right track with the second try. Put this is functions.php, or wherever: if (!wp_next_scheduled(‘fetch_webcategories_hook’)) { wp_schedule_event( time(), ‘hourly’, ‘fetch_webcategories_hook’ ); } add_action ( ‘fetch_webcategories_hook’, ‘fetch_webcategories’ ); It’s not quite a real hourly schedule because somebody has to visit the site to trigger it, so if you have VERY low traffic it … Read more

Using WordPress API to mass update posts freezes the server

This guy here got the following results doing something like “If you are importing a high volume of posts, go make a cup of tea. For this tutorial, I have created around ~1600 dummy posts. The progress bar below is up to 429/1600 after 4 minutes. It took around 15 minutes to complete the 1600 … Read more