How to create short urls for sharing and downloadable content?

Here’s a possibly simple solution, using an ancillary table, and user-defined short slugs: create a post_meta “short_slug” when creating a post, the link-name from your example on save_post, if (meta_key=’short_slug’ and is_a_valid(meta_value)) wpdb->insert into short_slugs_table slug,permalink , your index.php on your could then open a mysql connection to the same db, parse the url … Read more

How can I make my domain work with my site?

So to paraphrase your question: “I set up a VPS at and installed WordPress. Then I set up my domain name. How do I make WordPress think it’s at not ?” From the URL provided I can conclude you have vhosts setup, so it isn’t a server setup issue. The answer is a search replace. … Read more

What paths does WordPress use for itself on a domain?

Aside from those that are files in the WordPress installation, mostly beginning with wp-, these are also added: /login/ redirects to wp-login.php /admin/ redirects to /wp-admin/ /feed/ RSS feeds Any other clashes are likely because of pages with clashing slugs, or 3rd party plugins ( you will need to ask plugin authors or test )

Changing domain for site running on raspberry pi server

The missing link is to configure a DNS that will resolve the domain name to the IP address, and configure a virtual host for the domain on the Apache. Both of these topics are off-topic here and have a lot of documentation on the web therefor I am not going to get into specific details.

How set role at registration based on email?

Here is a snippet that assign author role to a new registered member whose email is [email protected] where you need to modify to fit your needs: add_action( ‘user_register’, ‘user_register_cb’, 10, 1 ); function user_register_cb( $user_id ){ $user_info = get_userdata( $user_id ); $email = $user_info->user_email; $domain = ‘’; $pos = strpos( $email, $domain ); if( $pos … Read more

Domain name to a page

Add these values in your wp-config.php define( ‘WP_HOME’, ‘’ ); define( ‘WP_SITEURL’, ‘’ ); These will overwrite your database values with above. This is a temporary fix. But to fix this issue permanently. You will have to change URLs in database. You can run these mysql queries to change your URLs from to … Read more