How can I solve the error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol – function?

One option would be to include function.cpp in your UnitTest1 project, but that may not be the most ideal solution structure. The short answer to your problem is that when building your UnitTest1 project, the compiler and linker have no idea that function.cpp exists, and also have nothing to link that contains a definition of multiple. A way to fix this is making use … Read more

What does “Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value” mean?

Background: What’s an Optional? In Swift, Optional<Wrapped> is an option type: it can contain any value from the original (“Wrapped”) type, or no value at all (the special value nil). An optional value must be unwrapped before it can be used. Optional is a generic type, which means that Optional<Int> and Optional<String> are distinct types — the type inside <> is called the Wrapped type. Under the hood, … Read more

1.#QNAN error C++

I am new to programming and trying to write a new program. While checking through my program it is returning the error code 1.#QNAN. I have tried isolating the variable and researching for answers but cannot find any solutions. My code: