Load self hosted fonts not working

Most of the time when I have an issue with @font-face is because my src path isn’t right. Maybe check the console to see if the call to your fonts files return a 404. If your font-face is being called in the style.css in the root of your theme then your font path is more … Read more

Remove Google Fonts from parent theme within a child theme [closed]

As Buttered_Toast mentioned, I think the hook you want to use is wp_enqueue_scripts rather than after_setup_theme. Changing the priority is also a good idea to make sure your function trigger after the initial call from the parent theme. So your function would be: /** * Remove Accelerate Google fonts */ function remove_accelerate_google_fonts() { wp_dequeue_style( ‘accelerate_googlefonts-css’ … Read more

Can I place Google Fonts at the bottom of the page? I tried but it doesn’t work

There are various ways to accomplish this, but I think it’s neatest and “most WordPress” to enqueue the fonts in your functions file, and then you can specifiy that they should load in the footer using the appropriate parameter: function wpb_add_google_fonts() { wp_enqueue_style( ‘wpse-google-fonts’, ‘http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto’, ”, ”, true ); } add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘wpse_add_google_fonts’ );

How to change WP’s post editor’s font

WordPress default editor have no support for any font change option on it’s tool bar. You have to do some css tricks but its not so easy if you are not a developer. Also its not a good idea to change theme functions or css. But there have a good solution: You can do this … Read more

Custom font isn’t active on all PCs

There is an error in your CSS Declarations on your page. If you change the line 152 on your style.css from “font-family: Oz Handicraft;’ (and anyplace else you’re using it) to: h1 { font-family: Oz; } since in your code, you have this. @font-face{ font-family: Oz; src: url(“fonts/ozHandicraft.otf”); font-weight: normal; } you declare it as … Read more

Why my wordpress website does not display urdu text fully while searching for any thing on its search bars?

you should use @font-face for including webfonts. src is not valid outside @font-face (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@font-face/src) – nevertheless, there are a few very tolerant browsers. Remove your styles from style.css line 45–52 and put the following on the top of the file: @font-face { font-family: ‘nafeesnastaleeq’; src: url(‘fonts/nafees/nafeesnastaleeq.eot’); src: url(‘fonts/nafees/nafeesnastaleeq.eot?#iefix’) format(’embedded-opentype’), url(‘fonts/nafees/nafeesnastaleeq.woff’) format(‘woff’), url(‘fonts/nafees/nafeesnastaleeq.ttf’) format(‘truetype’), url(‘fonts/nafees/nafeesnastaleeq.svg#nafeesnastaleeq’) format(‘svg’); … Read more

Change font and Colours in Menus

Goto your dashboard > appearance > customize there you can find some options to change button color,font size etc. To target your ul in menu you need to use below class: ul.nav-menu To target the li a of your menu use below class : .menu ul.nav-menu li a To target you ul under the parent … Read more

Load font awesome by content in css

In addition to content, you also need to specify font family. Otherwise the browser will use whatever font Divi has assigned to that icon, which is probably not Font Awesome. .get-social-rss .icon:before { content: ‘\f16d’; font-family: FontAwesome; }