Taxonomy template for all taxonomies attached to certain post type

the answer is yes, yes i can. do love it when i find the answer w/in minutes of posting here. add_action(‘template_redirect’, ‘my_template’); function my_template() { if ( is_tax() && in_array(get_query_var(‘taxonomy’), get_object_taxonomies(‘product’) ) ){ include (get_stylesheet_directory(). ‘/product_taxonomy.php’); exit; } }

Re-using single CPT code with get_template_part?

You don’t reuse a specific page’s data via get_template_part, you query for a specific page’s data and use get_template_part to output the result. Look at how any of the core-bundled themes use get_template_part within the loop to output the main query for an example. Query for the page: $query = new WP_Query( array( ‘post_type’ => … Read more