Why are there two different getline() functions (if indeed there are)?

Bear in mind that the Standard library is composed from 3 (main) parts: IOStream, String and STL, plus some tossed in goodies and the C-headers. I don’t see anything weird in having those parts loosely coupled (though I wish it was not the case). Other incongruities include: std::string::length vs std::string::size, the latter having been added for interface compatibility … Read more

getline: identifier not found

I have problem with getline(). I tried many examples and read other solutions, but that didn’t solve my problem. I still have information ‘getline: identifier not found’. I included <stdio.h> <tchar.h> <iostream> <conio.h> <stdlib.h> <fstream> and still nothing. What do I need to do now? I use Windows 7 64 bit and Visual Studio 2013.

Reading multiple lines from a file using getline()

You are trying to read each line twice. Change it to: EDIT: To answer your questions: How does getline() work?Reads the entire line up to ‘\n’ character or the delimiting character specified. http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/string/string/getline/?kw=getline After reading the line, the control goes to the next line in the file.Also, it returns a boolean value of true if … Read more

c++ Read from .csv file

You can follow this answer to see many different ways to process CSV in C++. In your case, the last call to getline is actually putting the last field of the first line and then all of the remaining lines into the variable genero. This is because there is no space delimiter found up until the end of file. Try … Read more

Going through a text file line by line in C

So many problems in so few lines. I probably forget some: argv[0] is the program name, not the first argument; if you want to read in a variable, you have to allocate its memory one never loops on feof, one loops on an IO function until it fails, feof then serves to determinate the reason … Read more

Reading getline from cin into a stringstream (C++)

You are almost there, the error is most probably1 caused because you are trying to call getline with second parameter stringstream, just make a slight modification and store the data within the std::cin in a string first and then used it to initialize a stringstream, from which you can extract the input: 1. Assuming you have included:

Going through a text file line by line in C

So many problems in so few lines. I probably forget some: argv[0] is the program name, not the first argument; if you want to read in a variable, you have to allocate its memory one never loops on feof, one loops on an IO function until it fails, feof then serves to determinate the reason … Read more

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