Reading multiple lines from a file using getline()

You are trying to read each line twice.

while (getline(inFile, firstName)) // reads the line
        // reads the next line and overwrites firstName!
        inFile >> firstName >> lastName >> num1 >> num2;

Change it to:

while ( inFile >> firstName >> lastName >> num1 >> num2 )
    fullName = firstName + " " + lastName;
    cout << fullName << " " << num1 << " " << num2 << endl;

EDIT: To answer your questions:

How does getline() work?
Reads the entire line up to ‘\n’ character or the delimiting character specified.

After reading the line, the control goes to the next line in the file.
Also, it returns a boolean value of true if the read operation was successful, else false.

The extraction operator truncates on all whitespaces by default. It also returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation was successful.

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