Resource interpreted as Document but transferred with MIME type application/json warning in Chrome Developer Tools
I took a different approach. I switched to use $.post and the error has gone since then.
I took a different approach. I switched to use $.post and the error has gone since then.
I have a website of which I want to copy an HTML code from – how do I copy all the text in inspect element – so I don’t get the website’s HTML code, but the code that I have already changed so that I don’t have elements I don’t want in my own webpage?
I’m using window.location.reload(true) according to MDN (and this similar question) it forces page to reload from server. You can execute this code in the browser by typing javascript:location.reload(true) in the address bar.
See here for more information. Before starting open the dev tools console (on a Mac cmd-option-i) Open the Settings panel within the dev tools console (click gear icon on right side) Check “Show ‘Emulation’ view in console drawer (looks like you have already done this step) and close screen Switch to the sources tab of … Read more
The changes are temporary on the individual user’s browser. However, the changes will allow that user to interact with your backend however they choose to do so. This is one way in which sites are attacked. The standard rule is to never trust input coming from the user / browser. Do not trust the value … Read more
The Request Payload – or to be more precise: payload body of a HTTP Request is the data normally send by a POST or PUT Request. It’s the part after the headers and the CRLF of a HTTP Request. A request with Content-Type: application/json may look like this: If you submit this per AJAX the browser simply shows you what it is … Read more
One possible cause, it that you’ve enabled the “pause on exceptions” (the little stop-sign shaped icon with the pause (||) symbol within in the lower left of the window). Try clicking that back to the off/grey state (not red nor blue states) and reload the page.
I feel a bit stupid on this but let this be a lesson to everyone…Make sure you target the right selector! Basically the console wasn’t logging anything because this particular code snippet was attempting to grab the scrolling area of my window, when in fact my code was setup differently to scroll an entire DIV … Read more
Chrome on Android makes it possible to use the Chrome developer tools on the desktop to inspect the HTML that was loaded from the Chrome application on the Android device. See:
The resource could be being blocked by an extension (AdBlock in my case). The message is there because the request to retrieve that resource was never made, so the headers being shown are not the real thing. As explained in the issue you referenced, the real headers are updated when the server responds, but there … Read more