Google map iframe into wordpress theme [closed]

I’ve used it like this and it works well 😉 $(“.div”).html(“<iframe width=”850″ height=”450″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=’no’ marginheight=”0″ marginwidth=”0″ src=””></iframe>”); $(“.div”).css(“display”,”block”);

Search Results with googlemaps

@Richard, it’s hard to answer this in detail with this little details. Do you need to pinpoint a single house? Will you use an address or will you use latitude and longitude? My suggestion would be to take a look at this excellent Google Maps Plugin for jQuery. jQuery is part of any WordPress installation, … Read more

How to extract specific image meta for all images?

Get all Images: $all_images = get_posts( array( ‘post_type’ => ‘attachment’ ,’numberposts’ => -1 ) ); foreach ( $all_images as $img ) echo $img; Some notes: You can use extract to make your code shorter: extract( $image[‘image_meta’], EXTR_SKIP ); echo $latitude; Use Yoda Conditions. When writing php on one line, you can also use shorthand php: … Read more

Google Map Integration

I’m not sure to understand what you want here… You want something like yelp on the right? ( here ) That will update the website when you change your map boundaries? Edit: I think you should look at this plugin . Is it this?