Hierarchical Custom Post Types
I ended up using Subordinate Post Type Helpers plugin to create relationships between two distinct custom post types: courses and pathways
I ended up using Subordinate Post Type Helpers plugin to create relationships between two distinct custom post types: courses and pathways
No, this is not possible. Only pages and posts are able to work without a permalink base. When working with custom post types, you always have a permalink base. That’s just how WordPress works. And the third line of your example can’t work when country is already a child of region, because the parent-child relation … Read more
first you can know the relationship between child post and parent post try to figure it out or just try this code $query = new WP_Query( array( ‘post_parent’ => get_theID(), ‘posts_per_page’ => 3, //shows only 3 children. If you want to show all of them, comment this line )); while($query->have_posts()) { $query->the_post(); /*Output the child … Read more
Try turning down the posts per page in screen options. The posts per page actually sets the number of PARENT posts to get, so it will get those posts and their ENTIRE tree. If you turn this down, say to around 5, you should significantly cut the size of the page, since it will decrease … Read more
Took a decent amount of tinkering, but I came up with something workable based around absolute positioning, I did not apply any hover actions, those should be relatively easy for you to do (don’t forget to z-index). Here’s the CSS I would use: #m { list-style: none; } #m > li { padding: 15px; float: … Read more
Use the wordpress Menus under Appereance -> Menu and wp_nav_menu instead of wp_list_pages in your theme. If your theme is recent, changes are that you are using it now. Under Appereance -> Menu Create a menu, label il “Site menu” Create a custom link About, and assign it # as destination link Drag and drop … Read more
I’m not sure if it does exist, but it should. Try it and see. If it does not, you can use if statements within the single-$posttype.php in conjunction with is_page() (and the other conditional tags(http://codex.wordpress.org/Conditional_Tags), if needed) to duplicate that functionality.
get_terms() does what you want. <?php $cities = get_terms( ‘state’, array( ‘child_of’ => 3 //ID of the state term //other args you want see the docs )); var_dump($cities); Not tested but it should work. GL
WordPress Posts (First level) Yes, the posts feature can be used as a gallery. WordPress provides nice short code to show all the attached images in post. While adding galleries make sure they point to attachment page not to the real file. When user clicks on any of image from the gallery they’ll get to … Read more
ok, i don’t know how this looks but i’ve got exactly what i wanted. <?php $term = get_queried_object(); $tax = ‘ntp_package_type’; $parents = $term->parent; $term_id = $term->term_id; if($parents == 0 && !is_single()){ wp_list_categories( array ( ‘taxonomy’ => ‘ntp_package_type’, ‘pad_counts’=> 0, ‘title_li’ => ”, ‘child_of’ => $term_id, ) ); } elseif ($parents > 0 && is_tax($tax, … Read more