command not found: jest

Jest is installed, but is likely in your ./node_modules/.bin directory. You can append that to your command ./node_modules/.bin/jest –updateSnapshot. Since you already have jest as a scripts command in your package.json you can also run it with npm test — –updateSnapshot. npm automatically adds ./node_modules/.bin to your path. update: Newer versions of yarn will resolve node module bin scripts, so you can also just run yarn jest {cmd} and it … Read more

How to resolve “Cannot use import statement outside a module” in jest

Also using Babel, Typescript and Jest. Had the same failure, driving me crazy for hours. Ended up creating a new babel.config.js file specifically for the tests. Had a large .babelrc that wasn’t getting picked up by jest no matter what i did to it. Main app still uses the .babelrc as this overrides babel.config.js files. Install jest, ts-jest and babel-jest: babel.config.js (only used by … Read more

How do I run a single test using Jest?

From the command line, use the –testNamePattern or -t flag: This will only run tests that match the test name pattern you provide. It’s in the Jest documentation. Another way is to run tests in watch mode, jest –watch, and then press P to filter the tests by typing the test file name or T to run a single test name. If you have an it inside … Read more