How to access Elementor-navigation-elements via jQuery

Make sure that you have jQuery properly enqueued on your website. You can do this by adding the following code to your functions.php file: function my_custom_scripts() { wp_enqueue_script( ‘jquery’ ); } add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘my_custom_scripts’ ); Next, you can use the jQuery ready() method to wait for the page to load before accessing the navigation elements. … Read more

AJAX call not initializing for non-admins in WordPress

There are several potential reasons for this issue: Permissions: Non-admin users may not have the necessary permissions to access the admin-ajax.php file, which is being called in your AJAX request. Make sure that the required permissions are set for the user roles other than admin. Authentication: Non-admin users may not be authenticated to access the … Read more

slider wont load unless you scrolldown on mobile, slick.js carousel

This behavior of the page is caused by the WP Rocker plugin you are using. With the active “Delay JavaScript Execution” option (“File Optimization” tab), all scripts on your website are loaded only after the user performs some action (e.g. will move the cursor). This applies to both the mobile and desktop versions. Excluding just … Read more