How to uninstall jupyter

If you don’t want to use pip-autoremove (since it removes dependencies shared among other packages) and pip3 uninstall jupyter just removed some packages, then do the following: Copy-Paste: sudo may be needed as per your need. Note: The above command will only uninstall jupyter specific packages. I have not added other packages to uninstall since they might be shared among other packages … Read more

How to change the Jupyter start-up folder

Jupyter Notebook and JupyterLab < 3.0 For old Jupyter Notebook interface installed with notebook package and run as jupyter notebook (see the next section for the identical interface installed with nbclassic and run with jupyter nbclassic, and for JupyterLab): Open cmd (or Anaconda Prompt) and run jupyter notebook –generate-config. This writes a file to C:\Users\username\.jupyter\ Browse to the file location and open it in an Editor Search … Read more

Can’t open Jupyter notebook with Anaconda

It seems to be a problem with the default installation of Anaconda. So, I removed the pyzmq package, which seems to be the problematic one. This is what I have done: conda uninstall pyzmq (This also removes jupyter related packages!) conda install pyzmq (to reinstall it) conda install jupyter (to reinstall jupyter related packages) Now I can open Jupyter Notebook!

Can I run Keras model on gpu?

Yes you can run keras models on GPU. Few things you will have to check first. your system has GPU (Nvidia. As AMD doesn’t work yet) You have installed the GPU version of tensorflow You have installed CUDA installation instructions Verify that tensorflow is running with GPU check if GPU is working sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=True)) for TF … Read more

Removing Conda environment

I want to remove a certain environment created with conda. How can I achieve that? Let’s say I have an active testenv environment. I tried, by following documentation, with: I then deactivate it: I try running again the command to remove it and I still get the same error. What is going wrong here?