How to change python version in Anaconda?

A better (recommended) alternative is to create a virtual environment of the desired Python version and then use that environment to run Tensorflow and other scripts. To do that, you can follow the instructions given here. BUT, if you don’t want to create a separate environment, then conda install python=<version> should do. OR (not recommended) you can download the … Read more

Inserting image into IPython notebook markdown

Files inside the notebook dir are available under a “files/” url. So if it’s in the base path, it would be <img src=”files/image.png”>, and subdirs etc. are also available: <img src=”files/subdir/image.png”>, etc. Update: starting with IPython 2.0, the files/ prefix is no longer needed (cf. release notes). So now the solution <img src=”image.png”> simply works … Read more

Convert ipynb to pdf in Jupyter

As said by Thomas K in the comments, you need to have Latex installed, and after add the path to the directory containing pdflatex.exe file to the PATH variable of your system. I have looked for a lightweight distribution and tried installing TeXworks, but I didn’t find any pdflatex.exe file.So I have tried TeX Live, … Read more