Keyframe animation not working in WordPress

I am trying to get an animation to run on a pseudo element in wordpress. I cannot work out why it is not working. However, this animation is working in an CodeIgnite web correctly. The code is: CSS: HTML: <i class=”fa-li fa fa-check-square-o wow fadeInLeft” data-wow-delay=”1.5s” data-wow-duration=”0.4s” ></i>

Animate the overflow property

The solution is to use AnimationEvent listeners. Here’s my raw implementation: CSS • 2 animations (open, close) • 2 classes (opened, closed) • 2 states (overflow hidden/visible) opened and closed are always toggled at animationstart, while hidden/visible states are differently worked out on animationend. Note: you’ll see a #main-menu element: it’s an UL with transitioned … Read more